About Our B & B

Q: What are your business hours?


A: We are available to take phone reservations and answer inquiries each day from 7:00am to 8:00 pm. Guests are welcome to check in after 3:00 pm. Check out time is 11:00 am.


Q: What do I do if I am checking in after hours?


A: If possible, call and let us know if you will be checking in late so we can make arrangements for you to get your keys. There is usually an employee on the property that can check you in after hours. Otherwise, your room will be signed with your name and the room key will be placed in the door for your convenience.


We make every effort to ensure a smooth check in. To that end, we provide for a self check in if an employee is not on property.

Should you arrive and I am out running errands or walking the dog, a self check in option is always available.


Q: Is it possible to rent a room without reservations?


A: Yes! If you call or come to the Chuparosa Inn and there is availability, we will rent you a room. After hours, our on-site manager can help you until dark. We also have someone answering the phone until 8:00 pm.


Q: Does the Chuparosa have WiFi?


A: Yes, we do have free and reliable WiFi on property and in all of the rooms.


Q: Is there cell reception in the canyon?


A: Cell service is spotty and heavily relies on where you are in the canyon and what provider you have. We do have free and reliable wifi at the B&B.


Q: Do you allow dogs?


A: Unfortunately, we cannot accept pets.


Q: What about guided bird walks?


A: We have several guides we recommend, check the birding section for their info.


Q: Is there a restaurant in the canyon?


A: There is no food service in Madera Canyon. Bring your own food. Grocery stores and restaurants are in Green Valley, 14 miles away. Every room has a kitchenette for light cooking. There are no stove/ ovens in the rooms, except in the Trogon Suite. There is a large gas grill available for guests use. Most guests use the gas BBQ for entrees and cook side dishes in the microwave.  See the accommodations page for a list of what is in each kitchenette.


Q: Can I have guests visit me at the Chuparosa Inn?


A: No, for the privacy of all our guests, visitors are not allowed.


Q: Can we build a campfire?


A: Yes, The Chuparosa has a fire pit located next to the grill on the creek side of the house. Firewood is provided and Luis will help if requested. During times of high fire danger (May/June) fires may be prohibited.


Q: Is there A/C and heat in the rooms? How about fireplaces?


A: We have A/C and heating, but no fireplaces.


Q: Do you offer any discounts?


A: Routinely check our Facebook page and website for current offers.


Q: Do you sell gift certificates?


A: Yes, they make great gifts.


Q:  Are there TV’s in the rooms?


A: The only room with a TV is in the Trogon Suite. It does not have cable but does have a DVD player.









1300 S. Madera Canyon Rd

Madera Canyon, AZ 85614


Our Suites